
The last day

The last day of our amazing exchange was very sad, because we had to say "good bye" to our new friends from Germany. At 9 o'clock we met in the school hall and we took part in an official farewell. After millions of kisses and hugs we got presents from our partners and we went, by subway to the big Planetarium in Bochum.

Asia's partner- Sami went with us. The visit in this place was wonderful and exciting. We saw a show about the first parts of the beginning of our galaxy. First we saw every planet and we could look at its area. A show of colorful mists in space fascinated us there were so many different colours and shapes!

After the show we went to the airport in the German teachers' cars. We went on board. That flight was even more exciting than the first, because it was 2 p.m. and we could see very beautiful views. The clouds and sun were amazing.

After 2 we landed in Poland at the Katowice airport, then we went to Rybnik by bus. We were very happy and also tired, so all of us slept on the way.

The time spent in Bochum was pleasant for us and we hope for German partners, too. We got to know interesting people and a different culture. And the school was different than ours- more modern. The worst thing about the visit was that it was too brief...

Barbara Stysz / Joanna Pieszek